github ergoplatform/ergo v6.0.0-alpha1
Ergo protocol reference client 6.0.0 Alpha1 (for devnets only!)

latest releases: v5.1.2, v6.0.0-RC2, v5.0.25...
pre-release5 months ago

This is the 6.0.0-alpha0 version, not intended for public testnet or mainnet, only for developer networks.

It contains Sigma 6.0.0 as of ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter@6c59ce0 commit.

Only following 6.0 functions are supported:

Please visit PRs above to find ErgoScript code examples (usually , in BasicOpsSpecification tests)


  • create devnet config like
  • run as java -jar -Xmx4G ergo-6.0.0-alpha0.jar --devnet -c devnet.conf
  • unlock wallet to have block generation started (not really needed, as currently devnet is starting with Autolykos2, but this artefact in miner from Autolykos 1 is still in the code)
  • wait for 256 + 32 * 16 == 768 blocks for 6.0 activation

then you can use /script/p2sAddress API method to compile ErgoScript code with 6.0 features.

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