github ergoplatform/ergo v5.0.17
Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.17

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6 months ago

Ergo Protocol Reference Client 5.0.17 reference client release. It contains following PRs:

  • #2054 - by default, 7 days of logs stored now by default (instead of 30)
  • #2059 - tests for collecting storage rent from utxos with invalid ergo-tree
  • #2060 & #2070 - ergo-core module extracted (with dedicated publishing), containing PoW, NiPoPoWs and other basic functionalities for building alternative clients
  • #2074 - limit and offset parameters added to /wallet/boxes/unspent
  • #2078 - extra indexer reworked, to fix issues with missing tokens and indexer being stuck

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