github ergoplatform/ergo v4.0.28
Ergo Protocol Reference Client 4.0.28

latest releases: v5.0.21, v5.0.20, v5.0.19...
2 years ago

Ergo protocol reference client 4.0.28. It contains:

  • #1676 - from now, log level can be changed via ordinary config, e.g.
scorex {
 logging {
    level = "WARN"
  • #1685 - /wallet/transactionsByScanId/{scanId} API method now has additional flag to include unconfirmed transactions into results
  • #1689 - /scan/spentBoxes/{scanId} API method added, to get boxes being spent for a custom scan. Please note, by default the wallet is not storing boxes being spent, so if please enable storing boxes being spent if you want to get them via this method as:
ergo {
  wallet {
     keepSpentBoxes = true
  • #1690 - wallet DB rollback not called anymore (during fork resolutions) when wallet is not initialized
  • #1693 - FAQ section is filled with one from the website
  • #1697 - bug with /nipopow/proof/{m}/{k}/{headerId} API method ignoring headerId parameter fixed
  • #1701 - lock done for wallet rescans, to avoid possible rescans done in parallel
  • #1704 - In case of recoverable failure, status in ErgoNodeViewSynchronizer now cleared. This fixes a bug with node being stuck when receiving headers out-of-order etc.

Also, sigma-state (ErgoTree interpreter) dependency updated to 4.0.6 , which solves the issue ScorexFoundation/sigmastate-interpreter#778

Contributors: @Athanaze, @kushti , @pragmaxim , @ross-weir

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