github eqlabs/pathfinder v0.2.0-alpha

latest releases: v0.16.1, v0.16.0, v0.15.3...
2 years ago

The release is mainly an upgrade adding support for cairo-lang 0.9.0 and starknet 0.9.0. We have made breaking changes and so this is a minor version upgrade compared to previous patch level upgrades. Until 1.0.0 version is released we will be bumping the minor version on any breaking changes (rpc api or configuration).


  • starknet_addDeclareTransaction json-rpc method (#318)

Breaking changes

Docker entrypoint

The docker entrypoint now includes the pathfinder binary (#335) which better adheres to the docker best practices.

What this means in practice, is that one no no longer needs to specify the binary path when running pathfinder with docker. For example,

docker run ... eqlabs/pathfinder /usr/local/bin/pathfinder --version


docker run ... eqlabs/pathfinder --version

RPC API: nulls are now omitted

Optional values in the JSON-RPC API are no longer returned if they are None (#323, #330). Previously these were returned as null.

Other Changes


  • eth.user-agent configuration option (#325)

Full Changelog: v0.1.11-alpha...v0.2.0-alpha

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