github epwalsh/obsidian.nvim v1.5.0

latest releases: v3.9.0, v3.8.1, v3.8.0...
2 years ago

What's new

Changed ⚠️

  • Improved :ObsidianBacklinks command to use its own buffer type instead of the location list.
    It's now more readable.
  • Removed save on write for :ObsidianNew and :ObsidianToday (#32).

Fixed ✅

  • :ObsidianOpen now works on Linux.


d0d10bf detect linux os (#29)
ff7123e Improve :ObsidianBacklinks command (#31)
d4069f5 Remove write on save (#32)
5254426 Fix README
abbd6d3 Update version
f83e1e8 Add :ObsidianSearch command (#27)

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