Enso IDE
Enso IDE is the main product of the Enso project. The packages are stand-alone, they contain both GUI and the backend.
Download links:
This is the recommended download for most users.
Enso Engine
If you are interested in using Enso Engine command line tools only, download the Enso Engine bundle.
Download links:
These are archives containing the Enso portable distribution. User is responsible for setting up the environment variables and adding the bin
directory to the PATH
Note that these distributions do not allow you to use the Enso IDE.
It is recommended only for advanced users, who want to just try the compiler CLI.
Anonymous Data Collection
Please note that this release collects anonymous usage data which will be used to improve Enso and prepare it for a stable release. We will switch to opt-in data collection in stable version releases. The usage data will not contain your code (expressions above nodes), however, reported errors may contain brief snippets of out of context code that specifically leads to the error, like "the method 'foo' does not exist on Number". The following data will be collected:
- Session length.
- Graph editing events (node creation, deletion, position change, connect, disconnect, collapse, edit start, edit end). This will not include any information about node expressions used.
- Navigation events (camera movement, scope change).
- Visualization events (visualization open, close, switch). This will not include any information about the displayed data nor the rendered visualization itself.
- Project management events (project open, close, rename).
- Errors (IDE crashes, WASM panics, Project Manager errors, Language Server errors, Compiler errors).
- Performance statistics (minimum, maximum, average GUI refresh rate).
Enso IDE
- ENSO_IDE_MAPBOX_API_TOKEN environment variable should be provided to enable
GeoMap visualization. - Round ‘Add component’ button under the component menu replaced by a small
button protruding from the output port.. - Quick Fix Import Button.
- Fixed nodes being selected after deleting other nodes or connections.
- Redo stack is no longer lost when interacting with text literals.
- Copy button on error message is fixed.
- Tooltips are hidden when clicking on a button.
- Fixed bug when clicking header in Table Editor Widget didn't start editing
it - When editing cells or header names in Table Editor Widget, `tab` and `enter`
keys jumps to next cell/ next row respectively. - Fixed bugs occurring after renaming project from within graph editor.
- Users having "Team" plan or above may now access shared directories in Cloud
File Browser - Added support for rendering numbered and nested lists.
- Added buttons for editing top-level markdown elements in the documentation
panel. - Removed `#` from default colum name
- Cloud File Browser will display input for file name in components writing to
(new) files. - Cloud File Browser allows adding new directory in "writing"
components - In the documentation panel, text can now be made bold or italic using
buttons - Cloud File Browser allows renaming existing directories in "writing"
components - New Component Browser displaying list of groups
- "Insert link" button added to documentation panel
- Cloud File Browser, when opened first time after opening project, shows and
highlights the currently set file - It's easier to write numeric/text nodes in Component Browser. When
typing digits only, any names containing digits are not the best match
anymore. Also unclosed text literals will be automatically closed. - Use server side filtering and sorting in table viz. Table viz rows
are lazly loaded and filtering/sorting is done serverside improving experience
for large datasets. - Disable heatmap and histogram viz.
- Component Browser displays short summary of component's documentation
- Fixed color picker for selected nodes
- Updated Top Bar actions menu and made zoom controls always visible.
- Warning and Error messages does not obstruct output port - they
become semi-transparent on port hover and pass all mouse interactions. - For some types, Component Browser display special "suggestions" group
- Nested dropdowns are supported for Selection widget.
- Native Image mode is now on by default
Enso Standard Library
- Allow using `/` to access files inside a directory reached through a data
link. - Reducing helper methods in `Standard.Base.Meta`.
- Added Table.offset
- Implemented Generic JDBC connections.
- Added Column.offset
- Progress API
- When reading a Delimited file, if a row with more columns than expected is
encountered, extra columns can be added to the result.- In `Delimited` format, the `keep_invalid_rows` setting has been renamed to
`on_invalid_rows`. The default behaviour was also changed to add any extra
columns instead of discarding them.
- In `Delimited` format, the `keep_invalid_rows` setting has been renamed to
- Added DB_Table.offset for SQLServer
- Added DB_Table.offset for Snowflake, Postgres, SQLite
- Support for key-pair authentication in Snowflake connector.
- Support for generic JDBC connections through external drivers.
- Support for basic arithmetic operations as numbers in Expressions.
- Support for Regular Expressions in Enso Expressions.
- Support for pi() and e() in Enso Expressions.
- xlsx reader now does not read empty rows from the end of a worksheet
- Generic JDBC connections can be created with `Database.connect`.
- Added Table.generate_rows
- Added Regex_match to filter. Added Column.regex_match. Support for
regex_match in the expression language - Added `add_group_number` for Postgres and SQLite.
Enso Language & Runtime
- Promote broken values instead of ignoring them.
- Intersection types & type checks
- A constructor or type definition with a single inline argument definition was
previously allowed to use spaces in the argument definition without
parentheses. This is now a syntax error. - Native libraries of projects can be added to `polyglot/lib` directory
- Prefer module methods over `Any` instance ones
- Keep intersection type's self when dispatching Any instance methods
- Types without constructors can be public
- Symetric, transitive and reflexive equality for intersection types
- IR definitions are generated by an annotation processor
- Use fn... to reference any module function
- Improve error message for mismatched named argument application
- Registering a value as multiple managed resources is now an error.
- An operator block now applies to the whole preceding expression,
rather than the last term on the line.