What's changed in this release
📝 Docs
- make it immediately clear what django-rq is about (0bd591c)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- use latest NodeSource installation script (5ddfaf7), see nodesource/distributions/issues/1770#issuecomment-1906566381 nodesource/distributions/issues/1601#issuecomment-1906829295
- fix author formatting in
section of pyproject.toml (923acdb)
✅ Tests
- use
instead ofassertQuerysetEqual()
- update Node.js instalation for GitHub Actions & Gitlab CI (a34f917)
⚙️ Build System
- deps-dev: bump @babel/core, @babel/eslint-parser & @babel/preset-env (4adcc48)
- deps-dev: bump attrs (23.1.0 -> 23.2.0) (fae7229)
- deps-dev: bump autoprefixer, cssnano, eslint-plugin-prettier & postcss-custom-properties (1f69c9c)
- deps-dev: bump black from 23.12.1 to 24.1.1 (0045298)
- deps-dev: bump certifi (2023.11.17 -> 2024.2.2) (8147312)
- deps-dev: bump commitizen (3.13.0 -> 3.14.1) (5c206a2)
- deps-dev: bump cryptography (41.0.7 -> 42.0.2) (53a6e73)
- deps-dev: bump css-loader & mini-css-extract-plugin (e23837a)
- deps-dev: bump flake8 to 7.0.0 & pytest to 7.4.4 (2cb7d43)
- deps-dev: bump prettier (3.1.1 ❯ 3.2.5) (076ba7f)
- deps-dev: bump ruff from 0.1.9 to 0.1.15 (1a6aba3)
- deps-dev: bump types-python-dateutil ( -> (88195e8)
- deps-dev: bump webpack (5.89.0 ❯ 5.90.1) (c46c585)
- deps-docs: bump mkdocs-glightbox (0.3.5 -> 0.3.7) (e3a0e40)
- deps-docs: bump mkdocs-material (9.5.3 -> 9.5.9) (912e931)
- deps: bump boto3 & botocore (1.34.7 -> 1.34.39) (76e9919)
- deps: bump Django from 5.0 to 5.0.2 (4df7f82)
- deps: bump django-modelcluster (6.1 -> 6.2.1) (c6fa330)
- deps: bump django-treebeard (4.7 -> 4.7.1) (3d7298d)
- deps: bump mjml (4.14.1 ❯ 4.15.3) (edf5005)
- deps: bump pillow (10.1.0 -> 10.2.0) (5c7af7d)
- deps: bump pillow-heif (0.14.0 -> 0.15.0) (35098c8)
- deps: bump pydantic (2.5.3 -> 2.6.1) (e880ecf)
- deps: bump sentry-sdk from 1.39.1 to 1.40.3 (8feb7b4)
- deps: bump svix (1.15.0 -> 1.17.0) (886c0e9)
- deps: bump wagtail (5.2.2 -> 5.2.3) (0e0161b)
- deps: bump wcwidth (0.2.12 -> 0.2.13) (ac935fa)
- deps: install latest release of django-mjml (c171d38)
- run
npm audit fix
(5724555) - update cookiecutter-wagtail-vix dev dependencies & pre-commit config (aa21967)