github emqx/emqx v5.5.1
EMQX v5.5.1

latest releases: v5.8.2, v5.8.2-rc.1, v5.8.2-beta.1...
8 months ago


Bug Fixes

  • #12471 Fixed an issue that data integration configurations failed to load correctly during upgrades from EMQX version 5.0.2 to newer releases.

  • #12598 Fixed an issue that users were unable to subscribe to or unsubscribe from shared topic filters via HTTP API.

    The affected APIs include:

    • /clients/:clientid/subscribe

    • /clients/:clientid/subscribe/bulk

    • /clients/:clientid/unsubscribe

    • /clients/:clientid/unsubscribe/bulk

  • #12601 Fixed an issue where logs of the LDAP driver were not being captured. Now, all logs are recorded at the info level.

  • #12606 The Prometheus API experienced crashes when the specified SSL certificate file did not exist in the given path. Now, when an SSL certificate file is missing, the emqx_cert_expiry_at metric will report a value of 0, indicating the non-existence of the certificate.

  • #12620 Redacted sensitive information in HTTP headers to exclude authentication and authorization credentials from debug level logs in the HTTP Server connector, mitigating potential security risks.

  • #12632 Fixed an issue where the rule engine's SQL built-in function date_to_unix_ts produced incorrect timestamp results for dates starting from March 1st on leap years.

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