github emqx/emqx v5.2.1
EMQX v5.2.1

latest releases: v5.7.0, v5.7.0-rc.2, v5.7.0-rc.1...
8 months ago



  • #11487 The bcrypt work factor is limited to the range 5-10, because higher values consume too much CPU resources.
    Bcrypt library is updated to allow parallel hash evaluation.

  • #11532 Improve some error reasons when parsing invalid packets.

  • #11568 Added support for defining templates for MQTT 5.0 publish properties and user properties in Republish rule action.

Bug Fixes

  • #11493 Examples and documentation for /api/v5/publish bad request response have been fixed. Previously the documentation example said that the bad request response could return a list in the body which was not actually the case.

  • #11499 Upgrade Erlang/OTP to 25.3.2-2

    Erlang/OTP 25.3.2-2 excludes sensitive data from mnesia_hook log message.

  • #11506 Don't download a trace log file if it is empty.

    After this fix, GET /api/v5/trace/clientempty/download returns 404 {"code":"NOT_FOUND","message":"Trace is empty"}
    If no events matching the trace condition occurred.

  • #11522 Improved error message for rule engine schema registry when schema name exceeds permissible length.

  • #11531 Fixed issue where authorization cache cleaning cli was not working properly for specific client ID.

  • #11564 Fix cluster partition autoheal functionality.
    Implement autohealing for the clusters that split into multiple partitions.

  • #11568 Fixed an issue where an ill-defined built-in rule action config could be interpreted as a custom user function.

  • #11630 Fixed an issue where the core node could get stuck in the mria_schema:bootstrap/0 state, preventing new nodes from joining the cluster.

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