github emqx/emqx v4.1-rc.1
EMQ X 4.1-rc.1 Released

latest releases: e5.6.1-patch.2, e5.6.1-patch.1, v5.7.0...
pre-release4 years ago

EMQ X 4.1-rc.1 is released now, it mainly includes the following changes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that the browser doesn't support the current SSL / TLS certificates

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3447

  • Fix the issue that the connection process crashes in some cases

    Github PR: emqx/emqx#3459


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:


Bug fixes:

  • Fix the issue that doesn't support the specified monitoring IP address and supports IPv6

    Github PR: emqx/emqx-sn#158


Bug fixes:

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