github emqx/emqx 0.13.0-beta
emqttd v0.13.0-beta released

latest releases: e5.7.0-alpha.1, v5.6.1, e5.6.1...
8 years ago


Rate Limiting based on Token Bucket and Leaky Bucket Algorithm

Upgrade eSockd and MochiWeb libraries to support Parameterized Connection Module

Improve emqttd_client to support fully asynchronous socket networking


Protocol Compliant - Session Present Flag (#163)

Compilation fails if repo is cloned with a different name (#348)

emqttd_client: replace gen_tcp:send with port_command (#358)

TCP sndbuf, recbuf, buffer tuning (#359)

emqttd_client.erl to handle 'inet_async', 'inet_reply' properly (#360)

Refator the client/session management design


Cannot kick transient client out when clientId collision (#357)

Fix the order of emqttd_app:start_server/1 (#367)

emqttd_session:subscribe/2 will crash (#374)


benchmark for 0.13.0 release

3.1G memory and 50% CPU/core:

Connections: 250K
Subscribers: 250K
Topics:      50K
Qos1 Messages/Sec In:  4K
Qos1 Messages/Sec Out: 20K
Traffic In(bps):  12M+
Traffic Out(bps): 56M+

Dashboard Plugin

Bugfix: emqttd-0.12.3 release: metrics are not right (emqttd_dashboard#36)

Bugfix: No Overview broker informations on non-anonymous sessions (emqttd_dashboard#33)

Improve: Overview page add new metrics (emqttd_dashboard#35)

MySQL Plugin

Improve: emqtt_acl_mysql function_clause error bug (emqttd_plugin_mysql#4)

PgSQL Plugin

Improve: Auto reconnect plugins (emqttd_plugin_pgsql#4)

Stomp Plugin

Improve: upgrade to esockd 3.0

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