github emotion-js/emotion @emotion/styled@11.9.3

latest releases: @emotion/styled@11.11.5, @emotion/serialize@1.1.4, @emotion/is-prop-valid@1.2.2...
2 years ago

Patch Changes

  • #2759 Thanks @srmagura, @Andarist! - Change the argument of the shouldForwardProp option of styled from PropertyKey to string in the TypeScript definitions.

  • #2333 3055efdd Thanks @Andarist! - shouldForwardProp has been changed from being a bivariant method to a contravariant function - it improves the type-safety for those that type this option.

  • #2333 3055efdd Thanks @antongolub! - FilteringStyledOptions and StyledOptions types no longer require a type argument for the Props generic.

  • Updated dependencies [26e4e3e8, 5e81f213, 3055efdd]:

    • @emotion/serialize@1.0.4
    • @emotion/is-prop-valid@1.1.3

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