github emotion-js/emotion @emotion/styled@11.0.0-next.16

latest releases: @emotion/styled@11.11.5, @emotion/serialize@1.1.4, @emotion/is-prop-valid@1.2.2...
pre-release3 years ago

Minor Changes

  • 18c0d5f4 #1668 Thanks @animecyc! - Custom shouldForwardProp is being preserved now when using .withComponent. Also, when passing an additional shouldForwardProp in .withComponent's options (like this: SomeComponent.withComponent('span', { shouldForwardProp })) it's being composed with the potentially existing shouldForwardProp.

Patch Changes

  • 23faf9ef #1996 Thanks @Andarist! - Fixed an issue with wrapped class components not having a type for the ref prop.

  • 0895f1f3 #1995 Thanks @Andarist! - Fixed an issue with typing for the as prop not being provided to components created using component factories available on the styled factory (e.g. styled.div).

  • Updated dependencies [debaad9a, 58b2bbca]:

    • @emotion/utils@1.0.0-next.1
    • @emotion/react@11.0.0-next.16
    • @emotion/serialize@0.11.15-next.4
    • @emotion/babel-plugin@11.0.0-next.16

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