github emilk/egui 0.23.0
0.23.0 - New image API

latest releases: 0.29.1, latest, 0.29.0...
13 months ago

egui is an easy-to-use immediate mode GUI in pure Rust. eframe is the official egui framework, allowing you to run egui on both web and native.

This release contains a simple and powerful image API:

// Load from web:

// Include image in the binary using `include_bytes`:

// With options:

The API is based on a plugin-system, where you can tell egui how to load the images, and from where.

egui_extras comes with loaders for you, so all you need to do is add the following to your Cargo.toml:

egui_extras = { version = "0.23", features = ["all_loaders"] }
image = { version = "0.24", features = ["jpeg", "png"] } # Add the types you want support for

And this to your code:


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