github emarsden/dash-mpd-cli v0.2.5

latest releases: v0.2.24, v0.2.23, v0.2.22...
17 months ago
  • New commandline arguments --prefer-video-width and --prefer-video-height which allow the user
    to specify the video stream to be downloaded, when multiple video streams with different
    resolutions are made available. The video stream with the horizontal (respectively vertical)
    resolution closest to the specified width (respectively height) is chosen. This preference only
    concerns the video stream; use the --quality commandline argument to specify the preferred audio
    stream when multiple audio streams with different quality levels are available. If a preference
    for both video width and video height is provided, the preferred width is used. A width or height
    preference overrides (for the video stream) a specified quality preference.

  • New value intermediate recognized for the --quality commandline argument. If the DASH manifest
    specifies several Adaptations with different bitrates or quality levels (specified by the
    @qualityRanking attribute in the manifest -- quality ranking may different from bandwidth
    ranking when different codecs are used), prefer the Adaptation with an intermediate bitrate
    (closest to the median value).

  • New commandline arguments --auth-username and --auth-password to specify the username and
    password to be used for authentication with the server. Currently only HTTP Basic authentication
    is supported.

  • Improve support for selecting the output container format based on its filename extension.
    Selecting an output file with an .mkv extension will now produce an output file in Matroska
    container format, even in cases where the manifest only contains a video stream or only an audio
    stream (shortcircuiting the muxing functionality). In these cases, the stream will be copied if
    the output container requested is compatible with the downloaded stream format, and otherwise a
    new media container with the requested format will be created and the audio or video stream will
    be inserted (and reencoded if necessary) into the output file. This insertion and reencoding is
    undertaken by the same commandline applications used for muxing: ffmpeg, mkvmerge, mp4box
    (currently not vlc).

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