github element-hq/element-ios v1.1.0

latest releases: v1.11.15, v1.11.14, v1.11.13...
3 years ago

✨ Features

🙌 Improvements

  • Upgrade to Xcode 12 (#3712).
  • Xcode 12: Make Xcode 12 and fastlane(xcodebuild) happy while some pods are not updated.
  • Update Gemfile.lock.
  • MXAnalyticsDelegate: Make it fully agnostic on tracked data.
  • MXProfiler: Use this new module to track launch animation time reliably.
  • KeyValueStore improvements.
  • Jitsi: Support authenticated Jitsi widgets (#3655).

🐛 Bugfix

  • Fix analytics in order to track performance improvements.
  • Fix long placeholder cropping in room input toolbar. Prevent long placeholder to be displayed on small devices (#3790).

⚠️ API Changes

  • Xcode 12 is now mandatory to build the project.
  • CocoaPods 1.10.0 is mandatory.
  • Remove MXDecryptionFailureDelegate in flavor of agnostic MXAnalyticsDelegate.

🗣 Translations

🧱 Build



  • Upgrade MatrixKit version (v0.13.0).

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