github electricitymaps/electricitymaps-contrib v1.196.0

latest releases: v1.206.0, v1.205.0, v1.204.0...
20 days ago

Changes in this release

  • feat(web): prevent blank map on mobile apps (#7483)
  • feat(parser): Add exchange parsing to the Nordpool parser (#7486)
  • chore(cleanup): Remove disclaimer from ERCOT (#7481)
  • Feat: New Feature Popover (#7302)
  • fix: new-feature-popover position and arrow color (#7506)
  • feat(web): add redirect toast for links older than 30 days (#7476)
  • chore(deps): Update vite to v6 (#7507)
  • fix: errors in Mexico CENACE parser (#7334)


Thanks to @tonypls, @VIKTORVAV99, @cadeban, @silkeholmebonnen and @tuxity for their contributions!

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