github electerious/Ackee v3.0.0

latest releases: v3.4.2, v3.4.1, v3.4.0...
3 years ago

Ackee v3



Ackee can now track events like newsletter subscriptions, buttons clicks, checkout sums and more. It's the most requested feature and I'm happy that it's finally a part of Ackee.

Browser navigation

You can now use the back and forward buttons to navigate between pages.

Referrers 2.0

You can now specify a source parameter in URLs (e.g. Ackee will use the parameter instead of the referrer when available. This allows you the track links from newsletters and other platforms more precisely.

Faster startup, smaller size

Ackee previously had to compile all source files before the server was ready. v3 now ships with all files Ackee needs and only builds those containing environment variables. This means running yarn start is way faster and the Docker container even smaller.

Oh, and we also reduced the JS file size of the UI by ~60%.

Breaking changes

New Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header

This change is relevant for everyone.

Ackee requires a new Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header which was previously optional. Make sure to add this header in your server or reverse proxy configuration.

ackee-tracker with new .create and .record syntax

This change is only relevant for you when using ackee-tracker in the Manually or Programmatic way.

The changelog of ackee-tracker contains everything you need to know when updating to the newest version.

Referrers require ReferrerType in GraphQL API

This change is relevant for you when using the GraphQL API.

A new parameter is required when requesting referrers via the GraphQL API. The parameter is called ReferrerType and can be WITH_SOURCE, NO_SOURCE or ONLY_SOURCE.

Referrers can return non URL ids via GraphQL API

This change is relevant for you when using the GraphQL API.

The id of requested referrers was always a URL, but has been changed to a string. That's because referrers can now include parameters (e.g. source when using ackee-tracker).


  • Browser navigation. It's now possible to navigate using the back and forward button in the browser.
  • "Copied to clipboard" message when clicking on an input or textarea that copies to the clipboard (#166)
  • Modals can be closed with the ESC key
  • Tests for permanent tokens, events and actions
  • source field for records to track (thanks @BetaHuhn, #185)
  • Referrers will now show the source parameter when available (thanks @BetaHuhn, #185)
  • Use the s key to open the settings and o to switch to the overview (Keyboard shortcuts)
  • Explanation why data is missing (#192)


  • Compiled source files are now part of the repo
  • Docker container size has been reduced (again)
  • Updated build tools allow us to use ~60% less JS in the UI


  • Close, delete and submit in modals could be triggered multiple times

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