github elastic/helm-charts v7.10.2
7.10.2 - 2021/01/14

latest releases: v8.5.1, v7.17.3, v7.17.1...
3 years ago
  • 7.10.2 as default version.
PR Author Title
#1017 @jmlrt NIT Update backport config and small doc fixes
#1010 @kwsorensen [filebeat][metricbeat] Update documentation on port collisions for multiple beats agents with hostNetworking enabled. (#997)
#984 @jmlrt [7.10] [all] add hostaliases (#970)
#981 @unki [7.10] elasticsearch: add emptyDir to podSecurityPolicy as allowed volume-type (#975)
#987 @jmlrt [7.10] [meta] bump helm to 3.4.2 (#977)
#968 @elasticmachine Bump version to 7.10.2-SNAPSHOT
#973 @jmlrt [7.10] [meta] add config for backport (#971)

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