github elastic/helm-charts 6.8.13
6.8.13 - 2020/10/22

latest releases: v8.5.1, v7.17.3, v7.17.1...
3 years ago
  • 6.8.13 as default version.
PR Author Title
#858 @nkammah [all] Simplify doc in 6.8 branch
#767 @ebuildy [Metricbeat] Dont generate config if not enabled
#793 @jnbelo Added ingress support to the logstash chart
#839 @jmlrt [logstash] use only httpPort in headless service
#659 @orong-pp [filebeat] introduce dnsConfig values for the containers
#820 @v1r7u [metricbeat] support deployment/daemonset specific metrics
#717 @qqshfox support tpl in logstashConfig, logstashPipeline and kibanaConfig
#818 @jmlrt [elasticsearch][kibana] disable nss dentry cache
#816 @jmlrt [helm] bump helm version to 2.16.12
#811 @jmlrt [elasticsearch] fix secrets names in examples
#729 @floretan Include pre-releases in the semver range.
#810 @luanguimaraesla [elasticsearch] add loadBalancer externalTrafficPolicy option
#778 @erihanse [metricbeat] Support secrets
#786 @caiconkhicon Fix serviceAccount for APM server
#770 @vliubko [metricbeat] Add missing labels for deployment
#776 @itssimon [logstash] Fix headless service ports spec
#763 @ebuildy Remove duplicate "initialDelaySeconds" field
#752 @AhmedSamirAhmed Missing deletion of "elastic-certificate-crt"
#744 @SlavaSubotskiy Fix typo in FAQ
#797 @jmlrt [helm] bump helm version to 2.16.10
#798 @jmlrt [meta] drop gke 1.14 tests
#790 @ygel Bump version to 6.8.13-SNAPSHOT

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