github ekky-llc/spt-raid-review v0.3.1A

pre-release2 months ago

Release Notes for v0.3.1A

Please find below instructions for a fresh installation, or an upgrade path from a previous version.

Mod Version / SPT Version

v0.3.1A / v3.10.x

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  1. Copy user and BepInEx folders into the SPT Installation just like any other mod.
  2. [OPTIONAL] Review config.json, and adjust settings to your liking.
  3. Launch SPT Server

Upgrading from v0.X.X

v0.3.1A is installed as a new set of folders/files:

Please ensure Step 2 is followed, there are significant changes here, OLD CONFIG FILES WILL NOT WORK.
Please ensure Step 3 is followed, if you wish to keep previous raid data.

  1. Copy user and BepInEx folders into the SPT Installation just like any other mod.
  2. Review config.json, and adjust settings to your liking.
  3. Delete file RAID_REVIEW__0.x.x.dll from the \BepInEx\plugins directory.
  4. Delete file old RAID REVIEW .cfg from the \BepInEx\config directory.
  5. Copy the data folder from \user\mods\raid_review__0.x.x\data to \user\mods\raid_review__0.3.1A\
  6. Delete the old mod folder \user\mods\raid_review__0.x.x completely
  7. Launch SPT Server

What's Changed

Summary of Patch Notes

  • 🌐 Global Settings & Transliteration

    • Added a Global Settings screen to the UI, giving users control over toggles. Settings persist in localStorage for convenience.
    • Introduced a transliterateCyrillicToLatin function to handle Cyrillic-to-Latin conversions for scav names. This is a quick and effective solution until proper internationalization (intl) tables are added.
  • 🛡 WebSocket Safeguards & Errors

    • Added protections around WebSocket telemetry to ensure they behave reliably and avoid unnecessary overhead that could have been causing crashes.
    • Fixed void errors to improve runtime stability.
    • Added a notification for when WebSocket connections fail 25 times or more.

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