github eizedev/AirConnect-Synology 1.7.0-20240115

latest releases: 1.8.3-20240403, 1.8.3-20240327
13 months ago

AirConnect-Synology - GitHub Workflow integration - Latest Version of AirConnect

Let's talk in the discussion about this release

The DSM6 version will not be further developed, the last working package for DSM5 & 6 is

Scroll down to AirConnect section to see changes of aircast and airupnp


  • The packages are now built with automated GitHub Action workflows.
    • This is a preliminary version for testing with latest AirConnect version 1.7.0.
    • The general workflow is working and is building packages on latest version of AirConnected on an automated way - but is not yet completely finalized to make it available in master branch.

If you are facing a problem when using AirConnect to stream to f.e. A Sonos Play:1 (approx. 10 seconds delay on play and approx. 5 seconds delay on pause) please read (and comment) on this issue: #79. We are working an solution for that problem (testing with latency and format (FLAC/MP3…)

If you encounter problems with this synology version of AirConnect, please consider opening an issue here, so i can fix the problem and others can benefit as well.
If you have any suggestions, ideas or wishes, feel free to open an issue.



  • allow icy on every codec, just provide interval, let user config and requesting player decide
  • (airupnp) only re-acquire state on play action completion. This is not needed on stop/pause and will create issues like fake stops

Check the full CHANGELOG for more information.

Take the package suitable for your architecture and check the readme if something is unclear.

If you encounter problems with AirConnect in general, please open an issue at the official repository.

Full Changelog: 1.6.3-20240114...1.7.0-20240115

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