github eikek/docspell v0.16.0
Docspell 0.16.0

latest releases: nightly, v0.41.0, v0.40.0...
3 years ago

Changelog • Documentation

This release brings the "custom metadata fields" feature. It allows you to define custom fields and associate values to your items. Additionally there are some ui and other fixes and improvements.

ℹ️ Existing users must enable "Custom Fields" in their users settings in order to use this feature.

  • Feature: Custom Fields – define custom metadata fields an set values for them on your items. For example, this can be used to track invoice numbers, pagination stamps etc. Fields can be defined per collective and carry a format (or type). (#41)
  • Feature: The language has been added to the metadata of an upload request and therefore overrides the collective's default language. This means you can now set the document language with each document. (#350)
  • Feature: Show the currently logged in user and the collective in the web app. (#329)
  • Feature: Tag categories are presented as a dropdown, where you can choose an existing one or type a new one. (#331)
  • Feature: The dropdown fields for a person have been changed in that the options are now restricted to the corresponding scope: the correspondent person only shows persons not marked as concerning and vice-versa. (#332)
  • Feature: Add CC and BCC recipients to item mail (#481)
  • The scripts was improved:
    • log a warning for all subfolders that currently wouldn't work due to configuration problems (#386)
    • ignore hidden files on linux (starting with a dot .)
    • include the parameter skipDuplicates into the upload request when the -m option is present
  • Fixes a bug that prevented detecting dates in january (#480, thanks @vanto!)
  • Fixes updating search view after changes like deleting item in multi-edit mode or updating tags via drag-and-drop.

The list of issues is here.

There were changes to the http endpoints; please checkout the Changelog for details.

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