Up to date manual available in a Wiki section.
- AM-fix improvement, so it doesn't get stuck on strong signals like a plane flying over head
- AM-fix in spectrum analyzer
- Improved AGC settings for AM reception. AGC on AM is used when AM-fix is disabled in the menu, or not included in build options. AGC mode is inferior compared to AM-fix but it still should be usable.
- Frequency rounding to half of a step, this allows to enter frequencies with half channel offsets, e.g. PMR frequencies using 12.5kHz step.
- S-meter S-values user configurable. It can be changed with a CHIRP driver that is being developed (very crude implementation right now).
- FM radio mode indicator that I removed some time ago was brought back
- bug fixes (#167, #166, #170, #179, #197, #206)