Version 1.3.0
was released on 28 April 2020.
This release includes the following (notable) new features, improvements and bug fixes:
- Improved audiobook user interface: removed redundant previous/next navigation arrows, playback progress indicator now with better visual styling, added rate/speed control.
- Fixed converter from W3C audiobook format (LPF packaged Web Publications) to Readium Web Pub Manifest.
- Added LCP support for audiobooks, with handling of additional file extensions, HTTP content type.
- Parsing of accessibility metadata from W3C format, native support in Readium2 data models.
- Fullscreen mode: previous/next accessible arrow buttons (mouse and keyboard), and optimal use of screen real estate (removed unnecessary margins).
- Improved accessibility of buttons with toggle state, using aria-pressed so that screen readers announce the state change adequately.
- Bugfix: language was not updated in reader window (locale Redux watcher was missing)
- Cover images in library window are now better aligned when dealing with various aspect ratios, also added visual emphasis in publication rows.
- Bugfix: in development mode, quickly going back to library window (local bookshelf) from a recently-opened reader window was causing an error popup (timeout) due to stale BrowserWindow reference (destroyed reader instance).
- TOC and detailed bottom bar info: when missing human-readable title, use link href (relative resource path)
- Fixed severe underlying issue with HTTP streamer (custom Electron protocol handler for streaming media, like audio/video), reliable handling of large resources.
- Added support for background audio looping soundtrack, also enabling of video/audio autoplay.
- Added Dutch localization.
- Spanish localization: fixed some translations and added missing readme.
- MacOS application DMG bundle now signed and notarized.