github edk2-porting/edk2-rk3588 v1.0

11 hours ago


Check out the Getting started guide.

Debug builds can be found in the artifacts of the workflow run for this release. Extract before flashing.

What's Changed



  • Proper HDMI support up to 4K 60Hz with auto-detection (EDID)
  • Landscape orientation on the Fydetab Duo by default (limited to boot stage)
  • Configuration options for resolution, connector priority, force output, duplication and rotation


  • Integrated Gigabit Ethernet (GMAC/EQoS) support
  • Enabled iSCSI, TFTP shell command and unsecure HTTP boot
  • Configuration options to enable/disable various parts of the UEFI network stack


  • RTC time not ticking after power loss until manually configured
  • Some boot options (particularly for NVME and SATA) getting skipped on uninterrupted boots
  • Boot hotkeys (ESC/F2, F1, F4) potentially not working during the countdown after a firmware update
  • Graphics console lagging due to slow GOP block transfer performance


  • Boot time optimizations:
    • Decreased PCIe link up timeout to 1 second and auto boot timeout to 5 seconds
    • Set CPU clocks to maximum on all platforms
  • Updated EDK2 to edk2-stable202502
  • Updated upstream device trees to v6.14-rc4-dts

Full Changelog: v0.12.2...v1.0

Mainline Linux images

Look for ARM64/AArch64 generic UEFI images from distro vendors. Examples:

Actual hardware support depends on the platform and kernel version (the newer, the better).

3rd-party images for UEFI

These Linux images come with the RK3588 legacy kernel and are compatible with the vendor firmware-provided DTB.

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