github edk2-porting/edk2-rk3588 v0.12

latest releases: v0.12.2, v0.12.1
2 months ago


Check out the Getting started guide.

Debug builds can be found in the artifacts of the workflow run for this release. Extract before flashing.

What's Changed

New platforms

New support levels have been introduced: Platinum and Bronze. The most notable feature of Platinum platforms is the ability to boot generic Linux distro images in Device Tree mode with much better functionality compared to ACPI.


  • BuzzTV PowerStation 6
  • FriendlyELEC NanoPC CM3588-NAS


  • FriendlyELEC NanoPi M6
  • Radxa ROCK 5B+



  • No USB power on NanoPC-T6 LTS variant
  • Configuration settings not getting saved due to buggy U-Boot SPL (namely Orange Pi's) being present on a higher priority device (SPI NOR / eMMC).


  • Updated EDK2 to edk2-stable202411
  • Updated open TF-A to v2.12.0
  • Updated rkbin:
    • ATF (BL31) from v1.45 to v1.47
    • OP-TEE (BL32) from v1.15 to v1.17
    • ddrbin from v1.16 to v1.18
  • Switched console output to 100x31
  • Switched Config Table Mode default to Both (ACPI + Device Tree) - final choice up to the OS. This works as intended for Windows and Linux boot; other OSes might need adjustment.
  • EFI Memory Attribute Protocol is now enabled by default and needs to be manually disabled for certain Linux distros with a broken shim (Synchronous Exception).

Full Changelog: v0.11.2...v0.12

3rd-party images for UEFI

These Linux images come with the RK3588 legacy kernel and are compatible with the firmware-provided DTB.

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