github eclipse/paho.mqtt.python v2.0.0

latest release: v2.1.0
4 months ago

This release include breaking change. See for more details on how to upgrade.

This release also introduce new documentation available online at

  • BREAKING Added callback_api_version. This break ALL users of paho-mqtt Client class.
    See migrations.rst for details on how to upgrade.
    tl; dr; add CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION1 to first argument of Client()
  • BREAKING Drop support for Python 2.7, Python 3.5 and Python 3.6
    Minimum tested version is Python 3.7
    Python version up to Python 3.12 are tested.
  • BREAKING connect_srv changed it signature to take an additional bind_port parameter.
    This is a breaking change, but in previous version connect_srv was broken anyway.
    Closes #493.
  • BREAKING Remove some deprecated argument and method:
    • max_packets argument in loop(), loop_write() and loop_forever() is removed
    • force argument in loop_stop() is removed
    • method message_retry_set() is removed
  • BREAKING Remove the base62, WebsocketWrapper and ConnectionState, as user shouldn't directly use them.
  • Possible breaking change: Add properties to access most Client attribute. Closes #764.
    Since this add new properties like logger, if a sub-class defined logger, the two logger
    will conflict.
  • Add version 2 of user-callback which allow to access MQTTv5 reason code & properties that were
    missing from on_publish callback. Also it's more consistent in parameter order or between
    MQTTv3 and MQTTv5.
  • Add types to Client class, which caused few change which should be compatible.
    Known risk of breaking changes:
    • Use enum for returned error code (like MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS). It use an IntEnum
      which should be a drop-in replacement. Excepted if someone is doing "rc is 0" instead of "rc == 0".
    • reason in on_connect callback when using MQTTv5 is now always a ReasonCode object. It used to possibly be
      an integer with the value 132.
    • MQTTMessage field "dup" and "retain" used to be integer with value 0 and 1. They are now boolean.
  • Add support for ALPN protocols on TLS connection. Closes #790 & #648.
  • Add on_pre_connect() callback, which is called immediately before a
    connection attempt is made.
  • Fix subscribe.simple with MQTTv5. Closes #707.
  • Use better name for thread started by loop_start. Closes #617.
  • Fix possible bug during disconnection where self._sock is unexpectedly None. Closes #686 & #505.
  • Fix loading too weak TLS CA file but setting allowed ciphers before loading CA. Closes #676.
  • Allow to manually ack QoS > 0 messages. Closes #753 & #348.
  • Improve tests & linters. Modernize build (drop, use pyproject.toml)
  • Fix is_connected property to correctly return False when connection is lost
    and loop_start/loop_forever isn't used. Closes #525.
  • Fix wait_for_publish that could hang with QoS == 0 message on reconnection
    or publish during connection. Closes #549.
  • Correctly mark connection as broken on SSL error and don't crash loop_forever.
    Closes #750.
  • Fix handling of MQTT v5.0 PUBREL messages with remaining length not equal to
    2. Closes #696.
  • Raise error on subscribe() when topic is an empty list. Closes #690.
  • Raise error on publish.multiple() when msgs is an empty list. Closes #684.
  • Don't add port to Host: header for websockets connections when the port if the default port. Closes #666.

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