github eclipse-ee4j/jersey 2.38

latest releases: 2.45, 3.1.8, 3.0.15...
21 months ago
  • [Issue 3383] - jersey-container-jdk-http ignores host and always binds to wildcard address
  • [Issue 5156] - Question: how to change the configuration of ResourceConfig at runtime?
  • [Issue 5189] - Exception in Jersey Jetty handler's Host header parsing bubbles up to the top
  • [Pull 5115] - Dependencies versions update (master)
  • [Pull 5123] - JUnit bump 4 -> 5
  • [Pull 5129] - verify license via GitHub actions
  • [Pull 5136] - Release test: check the staged artifacts are valid
  • [Pull 5161] - Fix Container#reload
  • [Pull 5163] - Update
  • [Pull 5165] - warn less (just once for all clients) about missing providers
  • [Pull 5174] - Adopt ASM 9.4
  • [Pull 5175] - Remove Guava under version 24
  • [Pull 5178] - Better @Inject support. For servlet classes, a qualifier is used.
  • [Pull 5185] - add dependencyConvergence rule to the maven-enforcer-plugin
  • [Pull 5186] - Timeout extended to 30 HOURS
  • [Pull 5191] - Exception in Jersey Jetty handler's Host header parsing bubbles up to the top
  • [Pull 5194] - Fix optionals when empty
  • [Pull 5195] - Call tearDown to prevent Address already in use
  • [Pull 5198] - SSLHandshake No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
  • [Pull 5201] - bump Eclipse's parent pom to 1.0.8
  • [Pull 5205] - Add caching and improve performance
  • [Pull 5206] - Use Java 11 InputStream::readAllBytes to read String entities
  • [Pull 5207] - Fix alignment in the doc
  • [Pull 5208] - Fix FORM_PARAM_CONSUMED warning
  • [Pull 5211] - Store InvocationBuilderListenerStage into Runtime not to look up
  • [Pull 5212] - faster RuntimeType.toLowerCase in PropertiesHelper
  • Don't miss a new jersey release

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