github eclipse-ee4j/jersey 2.30

latest releases: 3.1.7, 3.0.14, 2.43...
4 years ago
  • [Issue 4245] - Java 11 java.desktop module dependency
  • [Issue 4256] - HK2 AbstractBinders are configured twice
  • [Issue 4266] - Fix HeaderDelageProvider functionality
  • [Issue 4294] - Inefficient access of LinkedList in Resource$Builder.mergeResources
  • [Issue 4302] - Jetty 9.4.22 QueuedThreadPool compatibility
  • [Issue 4304] - ResourceConfig not properly using specified ClassLoader
  • [Issue 4325] - Build Jersey on JDK13
  • [Issue 4336] - Allow to use a connector with RESTClient
  • [Issue 4344] - Jersey 2.29 AbstractBinder.configure() called twice
  • [Pull 4254] - Wiremock does not run now when skipTests property is set as true
  • [Pull 4258] - Loading keystore resource if location starts with /
  • [Pull 4260] - Jersey documentation scripts
  • [Pull 4268] - Use locale insensitive case changes to ensure user code doesn't break…
  • [Pull 4271] - Do not handle already handled requests on Jetty
  • [Pull 4272] - AsyncInvocationinverceptors not properly created for each request
  • [Pull 4273] - DocBook fixes
  • [Pull 4274] - JsonBindingProvider provides JSON-B (not Jackson)
  • [Pull 4275] - Throwing NoContentException when InputStream is empty
  • [Pull 4276] - Allow for using HeaderDelegateProvider service
  • [Pull 4277] - HK2 to skip fields injected by CDI in non bean-defining-annotated beans
  • [Pull 4279] - Update ASM to 7.2
  • [Pull 4280] - Move CDI integration tests to a common CDI-Integration module
  • [Pull 4283] - Enable to use AsyncInvoker in Rx client
  • [Pull 4290] - release notes maven plugin (for Jersey)
  • [Pull 4291] - Ignore tests of container-runner-maven-plugin on Windows
  • [Pull 4292] - Assure that exception in async interceptor doesn't prevent completion
  • [Pull 4296] - exclude javax.validation-api from bean validation dependency
  • [Pull 4298] - Take Hk2CustomBoundTypesProvider into an account
  • [Pull 4300] - Performance improvement in Resource.Builder#mergeResources
  • [Pull 4301] - New client PreInvocationInterceptor and PostInvocationInterceptor SPI
  • [Pull 4303] - Make JettyConnectorThreadPool#newThread public to comply with latest Jetty
  • [Pull 4306] - Fixes #4304: ResourceConfig not properly using specified ClassLoader
  • [Pull 4307] - Use Spring Context 4 in the Spring integration test
  • [Pull 4309] - Spring 5 integration tests
  • [Pull 4312] - Rewritten Netty Jersey implementation using direct ByteBuf consumption
  • [Pull 4313] - new InvocationBuilderListener SPI
  • [Pull 4314] - Override HK2 dependency versions with versions used in Jersey
  • [Pull 4317] - Added deprecated methods back to retain backwards compatibility
  • [Pull 4318] - Close SseEventSink at the end of the example
  • [Pull 4327] - Allow to use additional properties with security manager/4323
  • [Pull 4338] - Fix issues with ChunkedInputStream when using Apache Connector
  • [Pull 4341] - Build Jersey on JDK13
  • [Pull 4342] - Allow to disable certain default providers
  • [Pull 4347] - ConnectorProvider support added to mp rest client
  • [Pull 4349] - Prevent HK2 AbstractBinder from being configured twice.
  • [Pull 4350] - Updated versions of 3rd party content
  • [Pull 4352] - Replace an Exception thrown with BAD_REQUEST
  • [Pull 4353] - OSGI groupId fix
  • [Pull 4358] - initialize legal.source.folder property by plugin
  • [Pull 4359] - Fix check style
  • [Pull 4360] - Legal files for common
  • [Pull 4361] - Properties and plugin change of examples module for legal files
  • Don't miss a new jersey release

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