github eclipse-che/che 7.98.0
Eclipse Che 7.98.0

2 days ago

Major Enhancements

Mount proxy environment variables to dashboard container

With this release, if there is a proxy configured in the cluster, the proxy configuration is mounted to the che-dashboard container as environment variables: HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY.

Reduce dashboard frontend bundle size

The dashboard frontend bundle size has been decreased by 14 percent in this release.


Знімок екрана 2024-12-19 о 18 08 15


Знімок екрана 2025-01-01 о 17 50 41

Bug Fixes

Cannot create workspace using factory from Azure DevOps repositories if OAuth is configured

Previously, there was an issue that made creating workspaces from the dashboard factory flow from Azure DevOps repositories (private and public) impossible if OAuth was configured. This defect has been fixed in this release.

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