What's Changed
- BIRT now requires Java 17 or higher
- Removed old Maven build log by @Mailaender in #1232
- Added image data URL handling to the excel cell content handler (#1237) by @speckyspooky in #1239
- Fix Birt Viewer Frameset inside a Iframe by @vpease in #1233
- Update ReportMultiBookPage.java by @wimjongman in #1250
- Enhancement to add new options of diagonals and antidiagonals #996 by @speckyspooky in #1224
- Change the default value for overflow to visible as CSS specs say and… by @hvbtup in #1262
- Background image with new option of dpi scaling and BIRT-properties #1255 by @speckyspooky in #1256
- Renewing of the PerfectHash values due to new properties of diagonal and antidiagonal #1224 by @speckyspooky in #1264
- Added missing comments of involved classes and solved eclipse warnings of type assignments (#1224) by @speckyspooky in #1271
- Removed "AccessController.doPrivileged()" marked as "deprecated for removal" (#1267) by @speckyspooky in #1290
- Update the library versions used of dependencies used by the build by @merks in #1291
- Provide shared launchers for all tests by @merks in #1296
- Improve the target platform with the latest dependencies by @merks in #1299
- Ensure that com.sun.el is available for report preview functionality by @merks in #1302
- Update pom, feature, and bundle versions to 4.14.0 by @merks in #1303
- BIRT-preview root-tag not correct initialized #1304 by @speckyspooky in #1305
- Use ${cbi-version} for eclipse-jarsigner-plugin by @merks in #1306
- Provide support for promotion via JustJ's p2 manager by @merks in #1309
- Conditionally disable test that fails running on centos by @merks in #1310
- Conditionally disable test that fails running on centos by @merks in #1311
- Update all the features to use the shared license feature by @merks in #1312
- Eliminate the blocking of signing by @merks in #1314
- Get rid of org.eclipse.birt.releng.util by @merks in #1316
- Issue 974 by @merks in #1317
- Ensure that all features can be installed in 2023-06 by @merks in #1324
- Improvement of the BIRT-viewer, small styling renew, fix issues on CSS-level #1307 by @speckyspooky in #1321
- Excel streaming xlsx option with new configuration UserProperty "ExcelEmitter.StreamingXlsx" #1322 by @speckyspooky in #1323
- Use an orbit legacy repo with PGP-signed content by @merks in #1325
- Reorder the repositories for the target by @merks in #1326
- Prepare the index.jsp for 4.14 and renew the styling #1329 by @speckyspooky in #1330
- Fix shy #1313 by @hvbtup in #1319
- Update the target platform for after the 4.28 release by @merks in #1336
- Include org.eclipse.birt.chart.osgi.runtime in birt-runtime-osgi by @merks in #1342
- For birt-runtime-osgi copy javax.xml.soap jar to the lib folder by @merks in #1347
- Copy more content into the lib folder of birt-runtime-osgi by @merks in #1349
- Added new images and fixed typo #1329 by @speckyspooky in #1345
- WebViewer, enhance parameter display options with date picker (#1356) by @speckyspooky in #1359
- Enhance parameter type radio dynamic (#1360) by @speckyspooky in #1361
- Update BIRT.product to use the latest Mylyn feature IDs by @merks in #1367
- Fix warnings and typos which was detected at #1356 and #1360 by @speckyspooky in #1364
- Fix prepared statement setNull() #1365 by @speckyspooky in #1371
- Fix align issue of "inline" elements (#1372) by @speckyspooky in #1373
- Improve the exception dialog of the birt viewer (#1378) by @speckyspooky in #1381
- Fix issue of NullPointerException on html-img-tag based on data-URL by @speckyspooky in #1383
- Enhancement to improve the svg-image-handling and the usage of data-url #1386 by @speckyspooky in #1387
- Fix eclipse warnings of missing comments and usage of raw types (#1386) by @speckyspooky in #1390
- Remove Mylyn features from product and regenerate the target platform by @merks in #1405
- Images with dimension unit percentage should be sized on the original (#1401) by @speckyspooky in #1406
- Update the setup to use a non-broken WTP repository by @merks in #1411
- Update the setup to use the repaired WTP latest release repository by @merks in #1413
- Remove Cassandra Scripted Data Source & the Hector PlugIn (#1418) by @speckyspooky in #1419
- Update Tidy.jar to 1.0.5 by @merks in #1422
- Added github action to clean up cached data and log data (#1425) by @speckyspooky in #1426
- Improved handling of space characters at file-url and svg-images base64-encoded (#1416) by @speckyspooky in #1417
- IPlatform:org.eclipse.birt.core.framework.Platform.platform is not in… by @94satya in #1429
- Fix issue with spudsoft auto filter to avoid cell range issue (#998) by @speckyspooky in #1431
- Excel, Spudsoft, Improvement of the list element handling (#1432) by @speckyspooky in #1433
- Remove ECF from products by @merks in #1439
- Fix variable mis-switch so that images will be displayed correctly (#1437) by @speckyspooky in #1438
- Fix of images handling of HTML embedded images which cause NullPointerException (#1436) by @speckyspooky in #1440
- Update the target platform to use newer dependencies. by @merks in #1444
- Remove copy of javax.xml.rpc by @merks in #1446
- Fix area line margin-top of first line after page break (#1443) by @speckyspooky in #1449
- Update toolchain to use Tycho 4.0.x and Maven 3.9.x #1458 by @claesrosell in #1459
- Replace deprecated actions in our CI workflow #1460 by @claesrosell in #1461
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when starting WebViewer #1451 by @claesrosell in #1464
- Issue #1447 without osgi layer by @claesrosell in #1462
- org.eclipse.birt.promote fails on master builds #1470 by @claesrosell in #1471
- Fix excel-issue of removed row then remove also regsitered merge regions from sheet (#1455) by @speckyspooky in #1467
- Web-viewer of the HTML-preview crashed in dev #1466 by @claesrosell in #1473
- Improve the setup to generate a correct target platform by @merks in #1475
- Export packages with versions from the org.apache.axis bundle by @merks in #1476
- Use batik instead of flute for CSS parsing by @merks in #1481
- Fixes some UI strangeness in Birt Designer by @claesrosell in #1479
- Fix the font alias name to lower case handling (#1385) by @speckyspooky in #1485
- Enhance of the export viewer dialog to add the excel single sheet option (#645) by @speckyspooky in #1483
- Replace BIRT's axis copy with the new one from Orbit by @merks in #1490
- Add DENSE_RANK aggregate function by @claesrosell in #1484
- Update genReport.sh by @slhotellier in #1222
- Charts - inconsistent line thickness when imageDPI > 72 #1428 by @claesrosell in #1469
- PdfEmitter, Enhancement: Enable options to set the PDF/Version & archiving formats PDF/A (A1A & A1B) #1486 by @speckyspooky in #1487
- Regenerate the target platform after DataTools changes by @merks in #1493
- Fix excel issue to set the row height and column width of unit "px" correctly (#1496) by @speckyspooky in #1497
- Fixing different eclipse warnings (missing comments, unused parameters, static constants access) (#1486) by @speckyspooky in #1495
- Simplify/minimize the target platform by @merks in #1503
New Contributors
- @Mailaender made their first contribution in #1232
- @vpease made their first contribution in #1233
- @94satya made their first contribution in #1429
- @slhotellier made their first contribution in #1222
Full Changelog: 4.13.0...4.14.0