github earthly/earthly v0.6.3

latest releases: v0.8.13, v0.8.12, v0.8.11...
2 years ago


  • Updated buildkit to contain changes up to 15fb1145afa48bf81fbce41634bdd36c02454f99 from moby/master.


  • Expirmental CACHE command can be used in Earthfiles to optimize the cache in projects that perform better with incremental changes. For example, a Maven
    project where SNAPSHOT dependencies are added frequently, an NPM project where node_modules change frequently, or programming languages using
    incremental compilers. #1399
  • Config file entries can be deleted using a --delete flag (for example earthly config global.conversion_parallelism --delete). #1449
  • Earthly now provides the following builtin ARGs: EARTHLY_VERSION and EARTHLY_BUILD_SHA. These
    will be generally available in Earthly version 0.7+, however, they can be enabled earlier by using the --earthly-version-arg. feature flag #1452
  • Config option to disable known_host checking for specific git hosts by setting strict_host_key_checking to false under the git section of earthly/config.yml (defaults to true).
  • Error check for using both --interactive and --buildkit-host (which are not currently supported together). #1492
  • earthly ls [<project-ref>] to list Earthfile targets.


  • Gracefully handle empty string "" being provided as a value to earthly config commands. #1449
  • known_host entries were being ignored when custom pattern and substituted git config options were used (commonly used for self-hosted git repos)
  • Unable to connect to ssh server when known_hosts doesn't contain ssh-rsa host scan, but contains a different key-scan (e.g. ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ssh-ed25519, etc).
  • When git auth is set to ssh but no user is given, default to current user (similar to calling ssh vs ssh

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