github earlephilhower/arduino-pico 4.3.1
Release 4.3.1 - Pico W and Pico 2W hotfixes

16 days ago


Minor update that fixes a busted pinMode call on the Pico W and sets the proper Pico 2 W LED so things like blink.ino will work properly. Increase to LWIP state to support simultaneous SimpleMDNS and WiFiClients.

  • Increase LWIP timeouts to avoid MDNS panics (#2653)
  • Update to Adafruit TinyUSB 3.4.1 (#2647)
  • Fix LED pin for Pico 2W (#2646)
  • Fix for cyw43_wrappers.h build with C code (#2639)
  • Fix pinMode for RP2040 PicoW (#2638)

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