github dzikoysk/reposilite 3.0.0-alpha.23
Reposilite 3.0.0-alpha.23

latest releases: 3.5.18, 3.5.18-next, 3.5.17...
pre-release2 years ago

23th pre-release of Reposilite 3.x. Notes:

  1. This version of Reposilite is incompatible with Reposilite 2.x. and versions before 3.0.0-alpha.9
  2. This build is dedicated only for testers and people that are aware of bugs, but still want to experiment and help in release lifecycle
  3. There is a chance that alpha builds may become incompatible even with final release of Reposilite 3.0.0

Detailed changelog and migration notes should be released with official Reposilite 3.0.0


  • Java 8+
  • RAM 16MB+

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