github dyvenia/viadot v0.4.4
Viadot 0.4.4

latest releases: v0.4.26, v0.4.25, v0.4.24...
2 years ago


  • Added new connector - Outlook. Created Outlook source, OutlookToDF task and OutlookToADLS flow.
  • Added new connector - Epicor. Created Epicor source, EpicorToDF task and EpicorToDuckDB flow.
  • Enabled Databricks Connect in the image. To enable, follow this guide
  • Added MySQL source and MySqlToADLS flow
  • Added SQLServerToDF task
  • Added SQLServerToDuckDB flow which downloads data from SQLServer table, loads it to parquet file and then uplads it do DuckDB
  • Added complete proxy set up in SAPRFC example (viadot/examples/sap_rfc)


  • Changed default name for the Prefect secret holding the name of the Azure KV secret storing Sendgrid credentials

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