github dynatrace-oss/terraform-provider-dynatrace v1.8.0

latest releases: v1.58.0, v1.57.3, v1.57.2...
2 years ago

Release v1.80 contains the following changes and features:

  • Introduced Resource dynatrace_span_attribute.

  • Introduced Resources dynatrace_browser_monitor and dynatrace_synthetic_monitor. In order to make configuration of these monitors somewhat convenient, the DataSources dynatrace_credentials, dynatrace_synthetic_location and dynatrace_synthetic_locations were also introduced. Any feedback, especially about Synthetic Monitors will be very welcome.

  • Thanks to @JosephHobbs for his contribution to proper and correct documentation of resource dynatrace_disk_anomalies.

  • Thanks to @Forcebyte for contributing documentation about Using API Parameters not supported by this module

  • String properties within .tf files generated using the terraform-provider-dynatrace.exe export functionality are now in Indented Heredocs format in case they consist of multiple lines. This decision originates from the fact that the newly introduced resources can contain quite a lot of Javascript code - which would be impossible to maintain when represented in excaped JSON notation.

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