github dynatrace-oss/terraform-provider-dynatrace v1.7.1

latest releases: v1.58.6, v1.58.5, v1.58.4...
2 years ago

Release v1.7.1 takes care of a couple of bugs that have been discovered in the past few weeks and/or emerged due to breaking changes in the REST API of Dynatrace.

  • The resource dynatrace_k8s_credentials now supports the attribute event_analysis_and_alerting_enabled
  • The resource dynatrace_slo now supports the attribute metric_expression. It is still supported to configurea an SLO using the attributes numerator and denominator, but the configuration automatically will get converted to use metric_expression. This behavior is due to a breaking change in the behavior of the REST API.
  • The resource dynatrace_custom_anomalies now supports the attribute metric_selector.
  • Fixed #64: Conditions of kind custom_process_metadata were using the wrong value for the attribute type. The affected resources are dynatrace_autotag, dynatrace_managementzone, dynatrace_service_naming, dynatrace_host_naming and dynatrace_process_group_naming.
  • Creating resources dynatrace_slo sporadically led to the resource not being reachable right away and potentially even led to flawed terraform states. This has now been fixed.

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