github dynatrace-oss/terraform-provider-dynatrace v1.53.0

latest releases: v1.58.6, v1.58.5, v1.58.4...
3 months ago

Important Changes

The following resources can result in non-empty plans due to a recent update in the REST API. Starting with v287, the API will return the Settings 2.0 ID of any referenced Management Zone ID of the schemas below instead of the configuration V1 ID that it previously returned. In order to resolve this issue, please update any Management Zone references from legacy_id to id. Any hardcoded Management Zone will need to be updated to the Settings 2.0 ID equivalent to result in a non-empty plan.

  • builtin:alerting.profile
  • builtin:appsec.notification-alerting-profile
  • builtin:failure-detection.environment.rules
  • builtin:service-detection.external-web-request
  • builtin:service-detection.external-web-service
  • builtin:service-detection.full-web-request
  • builtin:service-detection.full-web-service

New Resources

  • dynatrace_hub_extension_config and dynatrace_hub_extension_active_version cover configuration Extensions that are eligible to get installed via Dynatrace Hub.

New Data Sources

  • dynatrace_hub_items covers querying for components that are available on the Dynatrace Hub, like Extensions or Technologies

Bug Fixes

#418 - Deleting dynatrace_environment resource instances was not always possible in combination with licensing constraints
#421 - Resource dynatrace_ownership_teams insisted on specifying a url within the contact_details when the integration_type was either SLACK. That attribute is however optional in such a case


  • dynatrace_log_processing now offers the attribute insert_after - which allows for defining the order of multiple resource instances of type dynatrace_log_processing

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