github dynatrace-oss/terraform-provider-dynatrace v1.2.2

latest releases: v1.58.6, v1.58.5, v1.58.4...
3 years ago

Fixed #45: terraform-provider-dynatrace download results in too many open files error when too many resources need to get downloaded
Fixed #43: terraform-provider-dynatrace download overwrites resources with the same name but different unique id. The resulting .tf files now contain the unique ID within their name.
Fixed #42 and #41: The attribute samples when using static monitoring strategy for resource dynatrace_custom_anomalies didn't get serialized properly.
Fixed #40: Certain resources created a terraform state too early within the process, therefore resulting in a flawed state when configured with invalid parameters.
Fixed #39: Instructions for using the provider now refer to source dynatrace-oss/dynatrace instead of

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