github dydxprotocol/v4-chain protocol/v4.1.4
Protocol v4.1.4

latest releases: protocol/v5.1.0-rc0, protocol/v5.0.7-dev0, indexer/v5.0.7...
one month ago

This release updates full node grpc streaming.

  • Introduces a configurable protocol-side buffered channel of full node streaming updates.

    • prevents the full node from halting/lagging on a slow or unresponsive client by buffering updates.
    • Once the configurable buffer limit is reached, all subscriptions and buffered updates will be dropped.
  • The grpc-streaming-buffer-size CLI flag has been added.

    • Defaults to 1000. Please adjust based on the responsiveness of your client implementation.
  • Metrics emitted

    • Buffer size is emitted as a gauge (grpc_streaming_buffer_size)
    • Number connections is emitted as a gauge (grpc_streaming_num_connections)

Note that the grpc streaming proto changes from v4.1.3 to v4.1.4 are proto-compatible. Current grpc streaming clients will not need to be updated.


Add a channel buffer to decouple abci and grpc streaming (backport #1530) #1595

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