github dwesterwick/SPTQuestingBots 0.3.0-alpha1
Questing Bots 0.3.0 (Alpha 1)

latest releases: 0.9.1, 0.9.1-rc2, 0.9.1-rc1...
pre-release16 months ago
  • Massive rewrite of the quest management system for bots. The quest-selection algorithm is about the same but will soon change too.
  • Added an option in the F12 menu to prevent bots from sprinting while questing (sprinting is enabled by default)
  • Bots will now crouch or go prone for a certain amount of time to simulate planting items for quests like Farming Part 1, Delivery from the Past, etc.
  • The limit for how many bots can do the same quest was moved from individual objectives to the parent quest itself
  • Make the wait time after a bot completes a quest unique for every quest instead of universal. Currently, this is still 10s for all quests.
  • If initial_PMC_spawns.enabled=true, force the PMC-conversion chance to be 0%. If it's >0%, it causes issues with PMC group spawns. Also removed server_pmc_conversion_factor from config.json.
  • If the PMC-conversion chance was set to 0% and it's not 0% when generating initial PMC's, write an error message in the server console.
  • Added units to the AI-Limiter distance options in the F12 menu
  • Added debug option to force initial PMC's to spawn (if initial_PMC_spawns.enabled=true) even when you select "None" for the amount of bots when entering a raid.
  • Added option to completely disable questing in config.json. I don't know why you'd want to do this, but it's there.
  • Revised debug messages to show more information about bots. This allows you to locate them more easily when using BotDebug.
  • Revised logging
    • Separate files are now generated for available quests and bot assignments
    • Removed quests from quest log if they aren't in the current map
    • Created new file showing all assignments for every questing bot along with their final status
    • Revised file naming
    • Remove commas from quest names, objective names, and bot names to prevent columns from being shifted in CSV files
  • Bug fix for constant "boss xxx has not been added to the follower dictionary" exceptions
  • Bug fix for you counting as an initial PMC in Scav runs
  • Bug fix for dead bots and boss followers counting toward max-bot limits for quests
  • Bug fix for followers getting stuck when running to their boss and never trying to adjust their pathing
  • Bug fix for bot friendliness not being updated if EFT hasn't identified any enemies for its group. This mostly just affects the color of the bot text in BotDebug.
  • A LOT of refactoring (almost 7000 lines of new/changed code)

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Breaking Changes for Custom Quest Files:

  • maxBots was moved from quest objectives to the parent quest. If you don't move it, the default value of 2 will be used.

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