github dwesterwick/SPTQuestingBots 0.2.10-alpha3-hf1
Questing Bots 0.2.10 (Alpha 3 Hotfix 1)

latest releases: 0.9.1, 0.9.1-rc2, 0.9.1-rc1...
pre-release16 months ago

Hotfix 1:

  • Do not allow bosses to interrupt followers if they're actively looting

Updates from the 0.2.10 Alpha 2 Pre-Release:

  • Allow followers to loot but only if the boss has recently looted
  • Reduced chance of bots selecting "standard" Resort quests in Shoreline
  • Implemented time-gating of questing logic to provide a small performance improvement. This can be disabled in the F12 menu if needed.
  • Bug fix for NRE when searching for the boss of despawned bots
  • When followers are too far from bosses, have them wait a minimum of bot_questing_requirements.max_follower_distance.max_wait_time seconds instead of a hard-coded 5 seconds.
  • Updated default values for minimum of bot_questing_requirements.break_for_looting in case config.json is badly modified.
  • Some refactoring of questing logic

NOTE: I did very limited testing with this release. Its main purpose is to assist with DONUTS development. If you find major issues, please use 0.2.10 Alpha 2 instead.

config.json files from previous releases are not compatible.

Known Issues for Changes in this Release:

  • Performance will likely be a tad worse with this release compared to the last one. This is partially caused by the extra code that runs in the background and partially caused by large group fights now being more likely to occur. Large group fights will cause performance issues even with base SPT, so this will be difficult to avoid.
  • PMC "bosses" in group spawns will always lead in front of its followers by a bit (~20m) when questing.
  • If a PMC group engages in combat and some of its members haven't seen the enemy, they'll sprint off to who-the-hell-knows-where looking for cover. This should be greatly improved by using SAIN, but it will likely still happen.
  • If a member of PMC group is suddenly no longer able to quest (i.e. due to being badly injured), the whole group will stop questing until that bot adequately heals, extracts via SAIN, or dies. This may result in the other group members camping in strange areas for a long time.
  • There will most likely be one or more null-reference exceptions for updateIfBotsCanQuest() in the game console as raids end. These exceptions are annoying, but they're harmless and can be ignored.
  • I've enabled extra logging messages for now to help me troubleshoot if (when) you guys find issues.
  • I still need to update documentation for the new features

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