github dsdanielpark/Bard-API 0.1.11

latest releases: 0.1.40, 0.1.39, 0.1.38...
19 months ago

Clean release of Bard-API without dependency packages.

To view the PyPI installation version of Bard-API, which is version 0.1.11, you can use the following link:

Please note that this version does not include translation functionality and any features related to the googletrans and deep_translator packages. For those functionalities, you will need to install the developer version directly from the official GitHub repository of Bard-API.

  • Due to conflicts with class inheritance and composition in Bard, the usage of Googletrans for supporting other languages in Bard-API developer version increases code complexity and parameter complexity. To avoid excessive dependencies and class explosion issues, deep-translator is used for supporting other languages in Bard-API developer version.

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