github drwhut/tabletop-club v0.1.0-beta2
v0.1.0 Beta 2

latest releases: v0.1.3-1, v0.1.3, v0.1.2...
pre-release2 years ago

Hey, everyone!

Apologies for the long wait, but the game is now ready for it's 2nd beta! 🥳

So when I released the first beta, I honestly had no idea how much attention the project would get in such a short amount of time - I was expecting maybe like, 10 people to notice it on top of people who were already following the project on GitHub. Sufficed to say that number was just a smidge higher than I expected, like, 700 more stars on GitHub, and over 1,000 downloads on 😱

Considering this is my first real, actually-meant-to-be-used-by-other-people project, this was mind-blowing watching this happen in real time! And I'll never be able to describe the feeling I got seeing my game being mentioned in a GamingOnLinux article while randomly scrolling through social media (thank you, Liam! 😁).

All this to say, thank you to each and everyone one of you for the support - from those who played the game, those who contributed to the code and translations, those who posted like 40 billion issues (which I got round to... eventually 😛), or even if you just had a passing look at the game. Just the fact that this project grabbed your attention alone means the world to me, and I'm glad to have contributed to the world of open-source with such positive reception ❤️

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! As well as bug reports and feature requests, you can also contact me on both Mastodon and Twitter to give feedback, or you can leave a comment on the page! (... which is where you can also donate if you want to support the project wink wink)

Without further ado, here be the changelog!



  • Added 32-bit executables for Windows and Linux.
  • Can now connect to a custom master server using the --master-server and --ssl-certificate arguments. (#108)
  • Added blank square-shaped tokens to the default asset pack. (#121)
  • Added screenshots to the README, and the index page of the documentation. (#135)
  • Added the name property for assets, allowing them to be imported under a name different to that of the file name. (#124)
  • Can now use wildcards at the beginning of section names in config.cfg. (#148)
  • Added a shortcut for shuffling stacks. (#132)
  • Can now double-click items in menus to activate them, e.g. objects, save files. (#149)
  • Added an “All” option for the pack and type drop-downs in the objects menu. (#191)
  • Added a degree symbol and tooltip text to the rotation drop-down. (#169)
  • Can now flip, reset the orientation of, and rotate objects that are not being hovered. (#154)
  • More operations now create undo states. (#157)
  • Added a shortcut for rotating objects. (#162)
  • Added an option to make speakers and timers emit sound non-positionally, which is the new default. (#170)
  • Can now set the value of die on the table from the context menu. (#142)
  • Added a separate directory in asset packs for boards to distinguish them from pieces. (#205)
  • Added the name of objects to the tooltip when hovering over them in the objects menu. (#219)
  • Updated the Cabin font to include more Latin characters. (#212)
  • Updated translations from the community.
  • Can now play the game in Esperanto and Italian.
  • Old asset and cache files that are no longer used are now removed from the user:// directory. (#232)
  • Added a details button to the context menu. (#227)
  • Added a way to configure the automatic centre-of-mass adjustment for 3D models. (#208)


  • Setting back_face to ”” for cards no longer throws an error, instead a black texture is used as the back face. (#118)
  • Adjusted the orientation of cube tokens such that the top and bottom faces now face towards the player by default. (#122)
  • Adjusted the way objects are rotated when hovering to be more consistent regardless of the object’s orientation. (#133)
  • Improved the documentation for compiling from source. (#128)
  • Objects taken out of containers now keep the orientation they entered the container with. (#137)
  • Objects now keep their horizontal (X and Z) position when they start hovering. (#140)
  • Now set the vertical velocity of objects to 0 when they stop hovering. (#174)
  • Now use Quat instead of Basis when sending rotation information over the network. (#151)
  • Changed the fill colour of UI icons to help contrast them with the button theme. (#164)
  • Changed the colour of the numbers on the blue die to be more readable. (#203)
  • Asset packs are now shown in alphabetical order when selecting assets. (#214)
  • Cards now use Vector2 to define their scale rather than Vector3. (#210)
  • When using “collect selected” on stackable objects, the objects now always stack onto the object that was right-clicked. (#223)
  • When hovering an object, using the scroll wheel now moves the piece exclusively in the vertical axis by default (previously the Ctrl+Scroll Wheel behaviour), and using Ctrl+Scroll Wheel moves the object towards and away from the camera. (#155)
  • The “Zoom In” and “Zoom Out” key bindings have now been renamed to “Zoom In / Lift Piece Down” and “Zoom Out / Lift Piece Up” respectively. (#155)


  • Removed hints for grabbing objects just before hovering them. (#192)


  • Fixed invalid import directory paths when standard OS directories were not found. (#125)
  • Fixed card stacks from being shuffled accidentally when dropping them, then picking them up immediately afterwards. (#136)
  • Fixed containers not collecting pieces when locked in place. (#110)
  • Fixed the type drop-down resetting when the pack was changed in the objects menu. (#161)
  • Fixed invalid undo states being created when popping objects from stacks. (#163)
  • Fixed errors from PreviewFilter when loading the game scene in the editor.
  • Fixed stacks disappearing when combining with other stacks due to limbo stacks still performing collision detection.
  • Fixed long asset pack names moving UI elements outside of the objects menu. (#221)
  • Fixed the type drop-down in the objects menu throwing an error when no objects of that type exist. (#226)
  • Fixed errors being thrown when attempting to set the colour of objects containing surfaces with no materials assigned to them.
  • Fixed an error being thrown when attempting to select all objects using Ctrl+A while hovering a single object.
  • Fixed long file paths moving the entire UI when importing assets.

Known Issues

  • Shuffling a deck of cards will cause the game’s frame rate to drop under specific circumstances. (#243)
  • On 32-bit Linux, the “Red Cup” container shows a normal texture anomaly. (#244)

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