- Bugfix: Remove DST x3 Root CA which lead to trust issues for servers using a Letsencrypt certificate (Miguel Jacq)
- Bugfix: Newer openssl.cnf break detection of openssl binary
- Codespell introduction and implementation for GHA CI (Dimitri Papadopoulo)
- Documenation update to reflect renaming standard ciphers to cipher categories
- Ignore usage of ~/.digrc where possible
- Fixing host information in JSON output when using STARTTLS XMPP (David Cooper)
- Migration off travis-ci.org to Github actions (GHA) (Mikel Olasagasti Uranga)
- Use GHA to build Docker images (Jauder Ho)
- TLS 1.3 improvements wrt server certificates (David Cooper)
- Bugfix: Order of -U --ids-friendly doesn't matter anymore
- Disable ANSI codes when TERM=screen
- Upgrade docker base image to Alpine 3.12
- Improved SSL/TLS port detection in nmap greppable files using as input to testssl.sh
- Bugfix when nmap files had .txt extension
- Display certficate time in UTC
- Use _uname -n`` instead of hostname --> POSIX (Geert Hendrickx)
- Few output fixes (David Cooper / myself)