github drizzle-team/drizzle-orm 0.41.0

4 days ago
  • bigint, number modes for SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SingleStore decimal & numeric column types
  • Changed behavior of sql-js query preparation to query prebuild instead of db-side prepare due to need to manually free prepared queries, removed .free() method
  • Fixed MySQL, SingleStore varchar allowing not specifying length in config
  • Fixed MySQL, SingleStore binary, varbinary data\type mismatches
  • Fixed numeric\decimal data\type mismatches: #1290, #1453
  • Fixed drizzle-studio + AWS Data Api connection issue: #3224
  • Fixed isConfig utility function checking types of wrong fields
  • Enabled supportBigNumbers in auto-created mysql2 driver instances
  • Fixed custom schema tables querying in RQBv1: #4060
  • Removed in-driver mapping for postgres types 1231 (numeric[]), 1115 (timestamp[]), 1185 (timestamp_with_timezone[]), 1187 (interval[]), 1182 (date[]), preventing precision loss and data\type mismatches
  • Fixed SQLite buffer-mode blob sometimes returning number[]

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