github dreamfactorysoftware/dreamfactory 4.10.0

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2 years ago

Dreamfactory Release 4.10.0

  • The installers have had a major makeover, and now break down what is being installed in more detail. We hope this will provide you more feedback while the installation takes place, and soothe any "has it frozen?" fears. In addition, for nginx (i.e. default) installations, the installer will create and assign a "dreamfactory" user to the installation location and PHP-FPM automatically, providing additional security. Finally, we have now added official support for RHEL / CentOS 8, Fedora 34, and Ubuntu 20. The installers will no longer work out of the box on Fedora 31, Debian 8 nor Ubuntu 16 (and versions prior to the aforementioned).

  • UI/UX-wise, our notification system has been overhauled with a much more modern look. We have also removed a bug in the Logstash configuration screen which previously did not always save every data object the user wanted to capture.

  • Snowflake - We have now added POST request endpoints and support for stored procedures to our Snowflake connector!

  • Elsewhere we have made several bug fixes, and have improved some error messages to provide more clarity.

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