github doug-martin/goqu v7.0.0

latest releases: v9.15.0, v9.14.0, v9.13.0...
5 years ago


  • Add linting checks and fixed errors
    • Renamed all snake_case variables to be camelCase.
    • Fixed examples to always map to a defined method
  • Renamed adapters to dialect to more closely match their intended purpose.

API Changes

  • Updated all sql generations methods to from Sql to SQL
    • ToSql -> ToSQL
    • ToInsertSql -> ToInsertSQL
    • ToUpdateSql -> ToUpdateSQL
    • ToDeleteSql -> ToDeleteSQL
    • ToTruncateSql -> ToTruncateSQL
  • Abstracted out dialect_options from the adapter to make the dialect self contained.
    • This also removed the dataset<->adapter co dependency making the dialect self contained.
  • Refactored the goqu.I method.
    • Added new goqu.S, goqu.T and goqu.C methods to clarify why type of identifier you are using.
    • goqu.I should only be used when you have a qualified identifier (e.g. `goqu.I("my_schema.my_table.my_col")
  • Added new goqu.Dialect method to make using goqu as an SQL builder easier.

Internal Changes

  • Pulled expressions into their own package
    • Broke up expressions.go into multiple files to make working with and defining them easier.
    • Moved the user facing methods into the main goqu to keep the same API as before.
  • Added more examples
  • Moved non-user facing structs and interfaces to internal modules to clean up API.
  • Increased test coverage.

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