github dotnet/orleans v8.1.0-preview1

latest releases: v9.1.2, v9.1.1, v9.1.0...
13 months ago

New features

Integration with Aspire

This release includes initial integration with Aspire Preview 3 and later, allowing you to configure an Orleans cluster in your Aspire app host, specifying the resources the cluster uses. For example, you can specify that an Azure Table will be used for cluster membership, an Azure Redis resource will be used for the grain directory, and an Azure Blob Storage resource will be used to store grain state. The integration currently support Redis and Azure Table & Blob storage resources. Support for other resources will be added later.

In the app host project, an Orleans cluster can be declared using the AddOrleans method, and then configured with clustering, grain storage, grain directory, and other providers using methods on the returned builder:

var storage = builder.AddAzureStorage("storage");
var clusteringTable = storage.AddTables("clustering");
var defaultStorage = storage.AddBlobs("grainstate");
var cartStorage = builder.AddRedis("redis-cart");

var orleans = builder.AddOrleans("my-app")
                     .WithGrainStorage("Default", grainStorage)
                     .WithGrainStorage("cart", cartStorage);

// Add a server project (also called "silo")

// Add a project with a reference to the Orleans client

In the client and server projects, add Orleans to the host builder as usual.

// For an Orleans server:

// Or, for an Orleans client:

Orleans will read configuration created by your Aspire app host project and configure the providers specified therein. To allow Orleans to access the configured resources, add them as keyed services using the corresponding Aspire component:


Resource-optimized placement

Resource-optimized placement, enabled via the [ResourceOptimizedPlacement] attribute on a grain class, balances grains across hosts based on available memory and CPU usage. For more details, see the PR: #8815.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v8.0.0...v8.1.0-preview1

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